Thursday, 31 March 2011

Looking back at your peliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at the preliminary task I definitely think I have progressed and learnt so much more about the forms and conventions of magazines. For the preliminary task we where only given a short amount of time to complete our front covers and contents pages for our college magazine, this was hard to get it to the level that I wanted it to be because I had never used the programmes Photoshop and Indesign which meant I did not no how to use any of the features, so I had to learn quickly and was not able to create some of the effects I would have liked to, which made it hard to create a professional looking product. My main image was very random and basically taken on the spot, I did not have much time to capture the image I was hoping for which made my front cover look unprofessional. The fonts I used where very basic and where not very nice to look at, I wanted my magazine to be modern and classy but i definitely did not have the skills to do this.

From doing this preliminary task I have without a doubt learnt a lot of skills that I needed to make my magazine look more professional as possible and to have that classy and modern look I wanted to create.I found that getting a good high quality image was a very important factor to front cover as this s the main part of the magazine that attracts the consumer, if you have a tacky image that does not really link to the genre of your magazine it is likely to not be very successful, therefore the main image must be eye catching and bold to grab peoples interest. Another important factor is the title, I learnt this because I was not happy with the font on my preliminary task, I wanted my magazine to be modern and classy. The masthead is very important as this is how most people will remember the magazine name, which means that it must be easy on the eye to look at and re-memorable so that people will not forget it and it relates to the genre, this is also the magazines logo, so you must make the masthead aesthetically pleasing to attract as manyconsumers as possible.

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